Mr. Farai Masendu works for the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe as Director of Exchange Control. He has gained experience in the trade and investment issues and is a trained fellow in the area of Monitoring and Analysis of Private Capital. He holds a Masters in Finance and Investment from the National University of Science and Technology (NUST), as well as a Masters in Economics and a Bachelors in Economics from the University of Zimbabwe. He is also an Associate Member of the Institute of Bankers of Zimbabwe (IOBZ).
Board Members

Farai Masendu – Board Chairman

Philip Tapera Madamombe - Non-Executive Director
Philip Madamombe is the current Director in Bank Supervision Division at the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ). He has worked for the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) for 33 years in various capacities principally responsible for monitoring and assessing the safety and soundness of banking institutions; fostering and maintaining financial stability; planning, coordinating and monitoring of supervisory activities; developing proactive prudential supervisory frameworks; prompt detection of potential and actual problems; enforcing compliance with relevant laws and regulations. During his professional career, Philip also dealt with issues including licensing and supervision of banking institutions, problem bank resolution & market stabilisation, regulation & supervision of Non-bank financial institutions, risk management and Corporate Governance. He is part of a Core Team spearheading implementation of the National Financial Inclusion Strategy and Sustainability initiatives. Philip brings his wealth of knowledge and experience to Aurex (Pvt) Ltd.

Peter Magaramombe - Board Member
MBA; IOBZ; CIS; CIA, ACCA, BSc in Applied Accounting, Certified Internal Auditor, Certification in Risk Management Assurance
Peter is the current General Manager of Fidelity Gold Refinery [Pvt] Ltd. He has over 24 years’ experience in Administration, Auditing, Corporate Secretarial duties, Finance and Accounting. Of the more than 24 years, 13 years were at Senior Management Level. The experience was acquired through employment in Financial, Printing and Refinery Institutions. Prior to joining Fidelity Gold Refinery [Pvt] Ltd as a Finance Director in 2014, he worked for the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe.
Peter is a member of the following:
- Institute of Directors of Zimbabwe (IODZ)
- Institute of Bankers of Zimbabwe (IOBZ)
- Institute of Public Accountants and Auditors Board (PAAB)
- Affiliate- Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA)