Trying to figure out a ring size can be confusing, especially when you’re buying for someone else, and trying to pull a surprise. Whether you’re looking for your first ring or you’re already stacking, we’ve got your back! Our ring sizes use standard UK and US measurements. Confusingly, different countries (like the UK, France, Germany, Japan and Switzerland) all have their own measurement systems
What’s a good fit like?
Your ring should slip on easily but be snug and slightly difficult to remove. That is the ideal ring size.
How we determine your ring size at the shop?
Good news to you – we take your ring size for free at all our Aurex shops across the country. At all Aurex shops we have sizing tools to assist you when you come into the shop, see the picture below. This tool works when the one intended on wearing the ring can make it to the shop. However, there are instances when the purchase has to remain a surprise, we at Aurex help you achieve that.
Alternatively if there is an already fitting ring for the intended customer, we can make use of another type of ring sizing tool, like the one in the picture below. The jeweller will help you determine the size, depending on where the ring fits on.
Planning a surprise or cannot make it to the shop
However, when it must be a surprise, or for one reason or the other you cannot make it to the shop, there are other DIY (do- it-yourself) methods which can be used to determine the ring size. It is important to note that these methods are a hit and miss kind of thing, thus for every 10 attempts about 5 get the size right using these.
The Ring Diameter Method:
This one is quick and simple, but only works when there is an existing ring that you fit into already. If you already own a ring that fits the intended finger, you simply measure the inside diameter of the ring in millimetres. You then take the measurements to the jeweller who will use the size chart to find the ring size
The Finger Circumference Method:
You can easily measure your finger at home with some common household items. You will need a piece of thin string, dental floss or strip of paper; a pen; and a measuring tape or ruler.
The first step is to wrap the intended finger snugly with a piece of string/floss or strip of paper. Using a pen, mark where the string/floss/paper meets around the finger. Straightening out the string/floss/paper, measure it against a ruler in millimetres with utmost accuracy. Take the measurements to the jeweller to find the closest ring size. In as much as this sounds simple, there is need for accuracy
What if I get the size wrong?
The success rate of the DIY methods is nothing to write home about, however in the unfortunate event that you get the size wrong, there is the resizing facility available to you at all the Aurex shops across the nation.
Tips to keep in mind when measuring ring size
- Make sure your fingers are at a “normal” size when you measure them. Fingers shrinka bit in cold weather, and they swell after you’ve had alcohol, hot weather and after one has exercised.
- If the knuckle is particularly big, one may want to choose a bigger ring size so that the ring can fit over the knuckle.
- Size differences between your left and right hand often exist! Fingers are also fickle creatures that like to change sizes through the seasons (e.g. when you are in hot weather, they may swell a little) and during pregnancy.
Blog by
Peterson Mandebvu and Juliet Paganga